ECS celebrates its 50th Anniversary

February 25, 2023 by
ECS celebrates its 50th Anniversary
Yasmin L. Yao

50 Years of Service Excellence

“Making life easier for the industries that we serve with technology as a tool and automation as strategy. This is what ECS carried through these years which has been reflected in the solutions and services we delivered.”

This is how ECS President Alvin Lee Sunga defined Equitable Computer Services, Inc. (ECS) on the occasion of its 50th anniversary in the industry last February 26, 2023 at the Islas Pinas, DoubleDragon Plaza, Pasay City.

Mr. Sunga made this remark as he delivered the welcome address during the occasion. He emphasized that ECS continues to make life easier for its clients because of the service excellence the company has shown throughout the year.

Graced by no less than the Chairman of Equicom Group and ECS founder Antonio Go himself, the event was filled with festive moments and cheers as attendees reminisced how ECS started from a simple bank system support and now a company that offers IT solutions and services throughout the country.

To complete the meaningful event, Medilink Network, Inc. and Equicom Solutions, Inc. President Esther Wileen Go led the Board of Directors in offering a toast for ECS' 50 wonderful years in service. 

ECS’ golden year of service excellence in the industry could not be possible without the employees who over the past years continued to devote their time and efforts for ECS. Employees who rendered 20 years of service and above were presented with loyalty plaques during the celebration. ECS Chairperson Susan Lao, who has been with the company now for 41 years, delivered an appreciation message on behalf of the awardees.

The occasion was attended by Equicom Group affiliates including Vice Chairman Rene Buenaventura, Equicom Savings Bank President Ed Katigbak, Maxicare President Sean Argos, Maxicare Health Services, Inc. President Josephine Lopez, and Maxilife President Jose Pastor Puno. The presence of former ECS and Equitable CardNetwork, Inc. (ECN) employees with Mr. Anthony Conway, made the event more memorable, as everyone hoped to celebrate the next 50 years of ECS while remaining in the forefront of service excellence.